Dr. Ryan Klopfer • November 1, 2022
Tingling, numbness, or weakness in the arms and hands can all be symptoms Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS). There are a handful of tests that can help with a diagnosis of thoracic outlet syndrome.
Because TOS symptoms can overlap with other conditions, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, TOS can be difficult to diagnose. Once a TOS diagnosis is established, you can begin to explore treatment options.
TOS is a condition in which the nerves or blood vessels (neurovascular bundle) in the space just below the collarbone become compressed, causing a host of symptoms for the neck, arms, and hands. There are 3 primary types of TOS:
There are also a few syndromes related to TOS, classified by where compression occurs:
How do you test for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome? To get a TOS diagnosis, you would visit your healthcare provider, answer questions about the symptoms experienced, and have a physical examination. There are several provocative tests — tests that reproduce symptoms — to help indicate whether or not you have TOS. Here are a few:
The EAST, also known as the Roos Test, causes tension in 3 regions of the thoracic outlet: the scalene triangle, the costoclavicular space, and the pectoralis minor space. The EAST is moderately reliable in indicating Neurogenic TOS.
How To Do It: While sitting or standing, the patient is asked to raise his/her arms so that they each form a perpendicular angle. This looks like a surrender pose. Then the patient is asked to open and close his/her hands (making a fist then extending the fingers to release) for 3 minutes.
TOS Indicator: A positive test is indicated if the patient cannot keep his/her arms elevated for the duration of 3 minutes. Also, a healthcare provider would compare the color of both hands to see if there were any changes.
Sometimes referred to as the scalene maneuver, this test can help detect vascular TOS when compression occurs between the anterior and middle scalene muscles.
How To Do It: This test is best conducted while the patient is standing. The patient’s arm is extended to a 30-45 degree angle with the palm of the hand facing forward. The patient should then extend his/her neck and tilt the head back and towards the affected side.
An examiner will check the radial pulse of the extended arm to see if there are any changes in detection of the pulse. The examiner may also request the patient inhale and hold their breath. With the scalenes being inspiratory muscles (they contract when we breathe), a deep breath could further compress the nerves and blood vessels of the thoracic outlet.
One study found that shoulder maneuvers such as the Adson’s Test and the Costoclavicular test were more reliable when patients reported pain during or after the maneuvers were conducted.
TOS Indicator: The vigor/strength of the radial pulse weakens or disappears.
This test can help detect Costoclavicular Syndrome by further decreasing the space between the clavicle and first rib.
How To Do It: This test can be done while the patient is sitting or standing. The clinician will ask the patient to pull his/her shoulder girdles back and to thrust the chest out. It’s as though the patient is standing at attention as one might in the military.
The clinician would monitor the radial pulse to check for changes in the strength of the pulse.
TOS Indicator: A positive test is indicated by a weakened pulse. Also, if the patient experiences reproduction of TOS symptoms, this is a positive test.
This test, also called the Hyperabduction Test, can help determine if the patient is suffering from Pectoralis Minor Syndrome. The goal is to stretch the pectoralis minor muscle taught to see if neurovascular compression occurs.
How To Do It: The patient raises his/her arm into a perpendicular angle. The therapist will gently pull back on the wrist, then lift the arm all the way up into the hyperabduction position.
TOS Indicator: The therapist detects weakness or disappearance of the radial pulse.
How To Do It: While seated, the patient crosses his/her arms over the chest. A clinician will gently lift the elbows so that the shoulders shrug. This position is held for about one minute.
TOS Indicator: A positive test is indicated by a tingling or pins-and-needles sensation in the upper extremities. Numbness could also result.
This test can help detect vascular TOS.